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El documento completo estará disponible en 2024. La respuesta mundial al cambio climático se halla en un momento crucial. El Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) de las Naciones Unidas ha observado en el resumen para responsables de políticas de su Sexto Informe de… Read More
This Compendium contains examples representing good practices, in particular country-of-origin (CoO) practices in relation to social protection and welfare measures adopted by CoOs to support their migrant workers abroad and their family members.
Revealing the harsh reality of trafficking in persons and forced labour within the regions of Southern Africa and Indian Ocean, the Regional Baseline Assessment sheds light on prevalent challenges and critical gaps in addressing these criminal activities. Despite efforts to combat trafficking,… Read More
Migration in the context of irregularity is a highly debated issue in the European Union. A new study conducted by the IOM Country Office for Austria in the framework of the European Migration Network addresses this important topic from the perspective of unlawful employment of third-country… Read More
Migration im Kontext von Irregularität ist ein stark debattiertes Thema in der Europäischen Union. Die von IOM Österreich im Rahmen des Europäischen Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN) erstellte Studie befasst sich mit diesem wichtigen Thema aus Perspektive der unrechtmäßigen Beschäftigung von… Read More
The Joint Programme on Labour Migration Governance for Development and Integration in Africa (known as the Joint Labour Migration Programme or JLMP) is a long-term joint undertaking between the African Union Commission, IOM and the International Labour Organization, to implement the fifth key… Read More
This document is the result of the local Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) assessment in the municipality of Tbilisi (Georgia) and summarizes the well-developed areas of its migration governance structures, as well as the areas with potential for further development, as assessed by the local… Read More
The Second Edition of the Africa Migration Report (AMRII) takes a regional approach on migration and human mobility by producing knowledge and analysis that will contribute to the African integration agenda. Building on the success and lessons drawn from the first edition, it will generate… Read More
La réponse mondiale au changement climatique se trouve à la croisée des chemins. Dans le résumé à l’intention des décideurs de son sixième Rapport d’évaluation, le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) des Nations Unies indique qu’il est « plus probable qu’… Read More
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) have produced this joint report examining topical migration issues for Africa. The report entitled Diaspora Engagement, Climate-Induced Migration and Skills Mobility: A focus on Africa, provides critical… Read More
The “Introduction to Biometrics” manual offers a fundamental operational guide for capturing, comparing, and assessing biometric data from populations as they move, emphasizing the utilization of technology for analyzing physical characteristics such as fingerprints, facial features, and iris scans… Read More
برای معلومات بیشتر در مورد این برنامه لطفا از ویب سایت برنامه معرفی گسترده کانادا بازدید نمایید.
برنامه معرفی گسترده کانادا (COA) یک ابتکارجهانی است که توسط اداره مهاجرت، پناهند گان و شهروندی کانادا (IRCC) تمویل می شود و به صورت سالانه توسط سازمان بین المللی… Read More
Migration Policy Practice (MPP) focuses on policy-oriented research and analysis, with the aim to contribute to a better understanding of the multidimensional aspects of migration and inform migration policies at the national, regional and international levels.
This Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in Dominica as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI process. The MGIs are a standard set of almost 100 indicators to help countries… Read More
Este perfil presenta áreas bien desarrolladas y ámbitos con potencial de desarrollo de las estructuras de gobernanza de la migración de la Republica de El Salvador, según la evaluación realizada por los Indicadores de Gobernanza de la Migración (IGM). Este Informe ofrece un resumen de los… Read More
La emigración de paraguayos y paraguayas ha sido una constante desde épocas tempranas de
This Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in Azerbaijan as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI process. The MGIs are a standard set of almost 100 indicators to help countries… Read More
How is migration governed across the world? What are the key trends? What are the insights to help governments develop policies and systems that promote safe, orderly and regular migration, and to harness its potential? This publication addresses these questions based on Migration Governance… Read More
Gender impacts and determines the experiences of migrants, displaced persons and other crisis-affected populations, especially in fragile settings. Conflict dynamics are fundamentally gendered, and gendered norms and identities affect individual vulnerabilities as well as capacities to contribute… Read More
El informe sobre "Movimientos Migratorios Recientes en América del Sur" es una colaboración conjunta entre el Foro Especializado Migratorio del MERCOSUR, los Estados Asociados, y la OIM. Esta edición recoge datos migratorios de 2022 proporcionados por las autoridades migratorias de los países… Read More
Since 2000, IOM has been producing its flagship world migration reports every two years. The World Migration Report 2022, the eleventh in the world migration report series, has been produced to contribute to increased understanding of migration and mobility throughout the world. This new… Read More
This report focuses on a natural experiment-based evaluation conducted as part of the IMPACT study, to better illustrate the effects of the pandemic and other shocks on the wellbeing of returning migrants assisted under the EU-IOM joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in… Read More
La guía práctica para el aula 'Migrando Miradas: comunicación ética sobre migración en los medios' permite a cualquier profesorado de Universidad estudiar la comunicación ética sobre migración en sus propias asignaturas.
As countries across the globe confront new skills and labour requirements, there has been growing momentum around the movement of skilled workers and effective cooperation on cross-border skills mobility. Whilst cooperation on skills mobility is not new, it has not always been of benefit to all… Read More
للمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة موقع برنامج التوجيه الكندي في الخارج :
يعتبر برنامج التوجيه الكندي في الخارج مبادرة عالمية، وهو ممول من قبل دائرة الهجرة واللاجئين والمواطنة الكندية.
تقوم المنظمة الدولية للهجرة بتنفيذ البرنامج على المستوى العالمي في اكثرمن 100 موقع سنويًا.
Kwa maelezo zaidi kuhusu programu hii, tafadhali tembelea tovuti: COA web page.
Programu ya Maelezo Kuhusu Canada Katika Nchi Za Ng’ambo ni mradi wa Kimataifa unaofadhaliwa na shirika la Uhamiaji, Wakimbizi na Uraia wa Canada (IRCC) unaendelezwa ulimwenguni kote na shirika la Shirika la Kimataifa… Read More
ብዛዕባ እቲ ፕሮግራም ዝያዳ ሓበሬታ እንተ ደሊኻ ናብዚ COA web page ተወከሱ።
መላለዪ ካናዳ ንኣብ ወጻኢ ሃገር ዘለዉ (COA) ፕሮግራም ብስደት፣ ስደተኛታት ከምኡውን ዜግነት ካናዳ (IRCC) ዚምወል ዓለምለኻዊ ተበግሶ ኮይኑ ኣብ መላእ ዓለም ኣብ 100 ዚኸውን ቦታታት ብናይ ዓለማዊ ትካል ስደተኛታት (IOM) ይትግበር።
Para más información sobre el programa, visite el Sitio Web de COA.
El programa Orientación canadiense en el extranjero (COA) es una iniciativa global financiada por Inmigración, Refugiados y Ciudadanía de Canadá (IRCC) e implementada en todo el mundo por la Organización Internacional para las… Read More
This Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in Mongolia as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI process. The MGIs are a standard set of almost 100 indicators to help countries… Read More
Pour plus d'informations sur le programme, veuillez visiter la page Web de l'OCE.
Le programme Orientation canadienne à l'étranger (OCE) est une initiative mondiale financée par Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) et mise en œuvre dans le monde entier par l'Organisation… Read More
For more information about the programme, please visit the COA web page.
This Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in Uganda as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI process. The MGIs are a standard set of almost 100 indicators to help countries assess… Read More
This Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in Palau as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI process. The MGIs are a standard set of almost 100 indicators to help countries assess… Read More
Enhancing the coherence between migration and climate action policy within the European Union’s internal and external policy should be a priority in the context of the envisaged green transition in the European Union. This report argues that the European Green Deal, which is a focus of this report… Read More
International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Koç University and published and distributed by Wiley. The… Read More
The East and Horn of Africa remains one of the most dynamic regions in the world in terms of migration, caused by an evolving complex of economic, social and security interplay. Migrants and mobile populations continue to face many obstacles in accessing essential health-care services, including… Read More
This document is the result of the local Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) assessment in the municipality of Quilmes (Argentina) and summarizes the well-developed areas of its migration governance structures, as well as the areas with potential for further development, as assessed by the local… Read More
This document is the result of the local Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) assessment in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and summarizes the well-developed areas of its migration governance structures, as well as the areas with potential for further development, as assessed by… Read More
Este documento é o resultado da avaliação dos Indicadores de Governança da Migração (MGI) locais na cidade de Manaus (Brasil) e resume tanto as áreas bem desenvolvidas em termos de estrutura de governança migratória, quanto as áreas com potencial para maior desenvolvimento.
Este documento é o resultado da avaliação dos Indicadores de Governança da Migração (MGI) locais na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) e resume tanto as áreas bem desenvolvidas em termos de estrutura de governança migratória, quanto as áreas com potencial para maior desenvolvimento.
How is migration governed across the world? What are the key trends? What are the insights to help governments develop policies and systems that promote safe, orderly and regular migration, and to harness its potential? This publication addresses these questions based on Migration Governance… Read More
คู่มือการจัดทำเเผนผังขั้นตอนการโยกย้ายถิ่นฐานมีความมุ่งหมายที่จะช่วยให้องค์กรธุรกิจระบุ บรรเทา และจัดการกับความเสี่ยงด้านสิทธิมนุษยชน และสิทธิแรงงานข้ามชาติที่เกิดขึ้นในห่วงโซ่อุปทานทั่วโลก… Read More
Pour plus d'informations sur le programme, veuillez visiter la page Web de l'OCE.
Le programme Orientation canadienne à l'étranger (OCE) est une initiative mondiale financée par Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada (IRCC) et mise en œuvre dans le monde entier par l'Organisation… Read More
For more information about the programme, please visit the COA web page.
The COA programme is a global initiative funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and implemented worldwide by IOM in about 100 locations annually.
This Migration Governance Indicators (MGIs) profile presents a summary of well-developed areas of migration governance in the Republic of Iraq as well as areas with potential for further development, as assessed through the MGI process. The MGIs are a standard set of almost 100 indicators to help… Read More
Depuis 2016, les indicateurs de gouvernance migratoire (MGI) de l'OIM ont aidé les gouvernements de plus de 100 pays et 70 villes à faire le point sur leurs politiques et stratégies migratoires afin d'identifier les bonnes pratiques et les lacunes.
Ce document est le résultat de l'évaluation des indicateurs de gouvernance migratoire (IGM) au niveau local dans la région administrative de Kankan (Guinée Conakry) et résume les domaines bien développés de ses structures de gouvernance migratoire, ainsi que les domaines ayant un potentiel de… Read More
The Facilitator's Guide is meant to support the facilitators presenting the Manual on the Establishment and Implementation of a Migrant Welfare Programme. It covers and includes the following areas:
• A section in presentation modalities and training preparation, reflecting in brief on:… Read More
These step-by-step procedures facilitate a more coordinated and effective engagement of diasporas in shelter and settlement response, with the ultimate goal of expanding and improving assistance in the shelter sector, at different stages of the crisis management cycle, for communities affected by… Read More
The report explores migration trends through a post-pandemic vulnerability and climate risks lens in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This latest edition presents data and information on migration, accompanied by thematic chapters that address pertinent regional migration… Read More