Policy Analysis on Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Armenia

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Policy Analysis on Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Armenia

The study aims to increase understanding of how and to what extent migration in the context of climate change and environmental degradation has been mainstreamed into Armenian national policy, legal and strategic documents. The methodology for this mapping exercise comprises two major steps: First, it identifies relevant laws, policies and strategies related to climate change, the environment, disaster risk reduction, sustainable development, agriculture, rural development, urban development, gender, migration and remittances in Armenia. Second, it analyses these documents for content on the migration, environment and climate change nexus and links the Armenian landscape with global approaches to the nexus. 

  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Glossary
  • Executive summary 
  • Context of the study
  • Methodology
    • 2.1. Identifying relevant policy, legal and strategy documents
    • 2.2. Analysing documents for MECC nexus-related content
    • 2.3. Limitations of the study
  • Policy situation: the MECC nexus in Armenian policies, laws and strategies 
    • 3.1. Environment, climate change and disaster risk reduction
      •  3.1.1. Legal frameworks for the protection of the environment and use of natural resources
      •  3.1.2. Climate change policies in the framework of the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement processes
      •  3.1.3. Disaster risk reduction, preparedness and response 
    • 3.2. National strategy framework for sustainable development
      •  3.2.1. National-level strategizing for sustainable development
      •  3.2.2. Local self-governance and sustainable development
      •  3.2.3. Urban development and sustainable development
      •  3.2.4. Sustainable agriculture 
      •  3.2.5. Statistics, data and knowledge management
      •  3.2.6. Summary of national policy, legal and strategy documents  for sustainable development
    • 3.3. Migration legislation, policies and strategies
      •  3.3.1. International and internal migration
      •  3.3.2. Pastoralism and transhumance
      •  3.3.3. Contributions of migrants and diasporas: remittances, knowledge and investments
      •  3.3.4. Summary of national migration policies, laws and strategies
    • 3.4. National policy, legal and strategy frameworks for gender equality
      •  3.4.1. 2019–2023 strategy on implementing the gender policy and its action plan
      •  3.4.2. Summary of national gender policies, laws and strategies
  • Policy analysis: alignment with the recommendations of the Warsaw International Mechanism Task Force on Displacement
    • 4.1. Recognizing the importance of integrated approaches in the formulation of national and subnational legislation, policies and strategies
    • 4.2. Mapping, understanding and managing migration related to the adverse impacts of climate change
    • 4.3. Averting, minimizing and addressing displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change
    • 4.4. Integrating migration challenges and opportunities into national planning and communications
    • 4.5. Protection of internally displaced persons, including those displaced as a result of the adverse effects of climate change
    • 4.6. Facilitating orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration
  • Conclusion
  • Annex
  • Bibliography