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Migration in the Republic of Azerbaijan: A Country Profile 2013–2021

International migrants are a small but important part of the Azerbaijani population and workforce. After years of high emigration, the country is experiencing annual positive net migration. Azerbaijan is a country of destination, especially for working-age migrants from neighbouring countries, such as Georgia, the Russian Federation and Türkiye. Foreigners are also visiting the country in greater numbers, especially for recreation and to conduct business; recent amendments to the country’s migration rules may have helped to precipitate this.

This Migration Profile is a tool to support the policy processes. It has been compiled to present the available data on migration, discuss the impact of migration on Azerbaijan’s development, and outline ongoing policies, programmes and structures in relation to migration. The intention is for this report to be updated on a regular basis and, with each revision, to both evidence and precipitate the strengthening of migration management in the country.

  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Country profile 
  • PART A: Migration trends
    • A.1. Key driving factors of migration and general cross-border mobility
      • A.1.1. Historical background 
      • A.1.2. Recent trends in mobility 
    • A.2. Immigration
      • A.2.1. Foreign and foreign-born population 
      • A.2.2. Immigration for employment 
      • A.2.3. Immigration for study purposes
      • A.2.4. Forced migration: refugees and asylum-seekers
    • A.3. Emigration
      • A.3.1. Citizens residing abroad 
      • A.3.2. Emigration for employment
      • A.3.3. Emigration for study purposes
    • A.4. Irregular migration 
      • A.4.1. Refusals of entry and border apprehensions
      • A.4.2. Violation of migration-related legislation 
      • A.4.3. Detention 
      • A.4.4. Trafficking in persons
    • A.5. Return migration
      • A.5.1. Voluntary return of foreigners and stateless persons
      • A.5.2. Readmitted nationals from sending countries
    • A.6. Internal migration
      • A.6.1. Internally displaced persons (conflict-induced)
      • A.6.2. Internal migration and urbanization 
  • PART B: Migration and human capital development 
    • B.1. Human development 
      • B.1.1. Life expectancy at birth
      • B.1.2. Education 
    • B.2. Migration and economic development 
    • B.3. Migration, employment and the labour market
    • B.4. Migration and social development
    • B.5. Migration and health 
  • PART C: Migration governance
    • C.1. Regional and international cooperation 
    • C.2. Policy framework 
      • C.2.1. Overarching strategic priorities
      • C.2.2. Safe, orderly and regular migration 
      • C.2.3. Emigration and diaspora communities abroad
    • C.3. Legal and regulative framework 
    • C.4. Institutional framework and coordination
      • C.4.1. Major public stakeholders
      • C.4.2. Coordination bodies and mechanisms
  • PART D: Key findings and recommendations
    • D.1. Key findings
    • D.2. Recommendations concerning improvements to migration statistics and management