Migrant Worker Guidelines for Employers (Chinese)
本指南以联合国商业与人权指导原则 (UNGP) 和相关国际人权和劳工标准以及国际移民框架为基础。通过广泛的多方利益相关者咨询过程,它是作为 IOM 消除奴隶制和贩运的企业责任 (CREST) 倡议的一部分而开发的。
This publication is to provide practical guidance for business enterprises on how to recruit and employ international migrant workers ethically and responsibly. The guidance offers concrete steps employers across various sectors can take to run their businesses in a manner that respects human and labour rights of migrant workers. The guidance is primarily for human resources and personnel engaged with migrant workers and can be integrated in existing company policies, procedures and practices.
The guidance builds on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and relevant international human rights and labour standards and frameworks on international migration. It has been developed as part of the IOM’s Corporate Responsibility in Eliminating Slavery and Trafficking (CREST) initiative, through an extensive multi-stakeholder consultation process.
The guidance is accompanied by a set of supporting tools including checklists, guidance notes and other useful documents, to help employers develop and implement the system, principles and practices to manage the labour migration process.
*To access the PDF file of the Guidelines, please click on the red download button at the left side of the page.