Legal Guide for Temporary Labor Migrant in Russian Federation (Armenian)
The lack of awareness about legal migration opportunities and procedures, about the legislation and administrative requirements of the source and destination countries and other relevant information, may be a major risk for potential trafficking of labour migrants. Likewise, many migrants who start their passage to destination countries (mainly regularly) can end up living and working irregularly in the country of destination. As a consequence migrants, who are identified without a regular status in the destination countries in an irregular manner, may be subject to forced removal.
This legal guide was published to inform labor migrants about their rights and obligations in Russian Federation, about the threats of labour exploitation and possible trafficking in humans.
The guide promotes safe and legal migration, while preventing labour exploitation and trafficking through awareness raising and consultancy among potential and intending migrants and the population at large.
The guide was prepared within the framework of “Capacity Building and Public Awareness for Labour Migrant Support Points” Project implemented as part of “UNDP Anti-Trafficking Programme: Capacity Development Support and Victims Assistance – Phase II. Pre-migration Registration and Due Diligence Inquiry Programme (Travel Safe).”
This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.