Original Language
ISBN 978-92-9068-243-1
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Fertile Fields: Trafficking in Persons in Central Asia

The IOM Technical Cooperation Centre for Europe and Central Asia in Vienna published the report “Fertile Fields: Trafficking in Persons in Central Asia” by Professor Liz Kelly. The report maps out the regional patterns of trafficking in persons in Central Asia, outlines the links to labour migration, presents data on trafficking victims assisted in Central Asia, determines gaps in existing data and develops recommendations on counter-trafficking responses.

The report has shown that, although Central Asia has not yet been recognized as a trafficking “hot spot”, there is evidence of significant irregular flows, both within the region and beyond, and that sexual and labour exploitation (frequently combined) are rife in the region. Deceptive recruitment is the most common, with a high proportion taking place through commercialized, albeit illegal, travel and employment agencies. Border and taxation regimes and the availability of a wide range of transportation services further compound problem.

Professor Kelly also addresses the definition of trafficking in persons as set out in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, especially in the context of trafficking for labour exploitation. The recommendations included in the report focus on capacity building, improved identification of victims, training and legislative reforms. This report was made possible through funding from the Government of Norway.

  • Introduction
  • Executive Summary
  • Chapter 1 - Difficult Transitions and Uncertain Futures
  • Chapter 2 - A Methodological Experiment
  • Chapter 3 - In Search of a Common Language
  • Chapter 4 - The Extent and Organization of Trafficking in Central Asia
  • Chapter 5 - Drawing Lines in the Sand?
  • Chapter 6 - Drops in the Ocean?
  • Chapter 7 - Conducive Contexts
  • Chapter 8 - Old Lessons, New Challenges
  • Bibliography