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Disengagement, Disassociation, Reintegration and Reconciliation: Transitional Rehabilitation

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IOM developed the disengagement, disassociation, reintegration and reconciliation framework to support national governments to navigate the complexities associated with disengagement from a violent extremist organization (VEO). VEO associates cannot lawfully or effectively be treated as a homogenous group, as they may be men or women, recruited voluntarily or forcibly, heavily involved in the group or minimally connected (or erroneously presumed to have ties). They may be culpable of war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, or free from suspicion of serious crimes. These differences are determinative of the State’s next steps with respect to each former associate, channelled into the criminal justice system or deemed eligible for release, with or without conditions. For those offered non-prosecutorial pathways, transitional rehabilitation, which refers to a government-led process to support former associates, their families and communities to prepare for reintegration, is proving to be an important step towards successful reintegration. This document focuses on programming for released associates and those whose crimes do not trigger international obligations to prosecute, but whose criminal conduct, involvement with a VEO or other factors render them ineligible for immediate release. For this category, transitional rehabilitation may be considered as an alternative to prosecution or prison, provided that due process and human rights are safeguarded.  

  • Acknowledgements
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Key concepts and principles
    • 1.1. Situating transitional rehabilitation
    • 1.2. Eligibility and legal bases
    • 1.3. Voluntariness
    • 1.4. Guiding principles
  • Chapter 2: The case management approach
    • 2.1. Phase 1: Assessment upon entry
    • 2.2. Phase 2: Individually tailored transitional rehabilitation
    • 2.3. Phase 3: Assessment upon exit
    • 2.4. Phase 4: Aftercare
    • 2.5. Institutional capacities and staffing
  • Chapter 3: Facility-based rehabilitation and alternatives
    • 3.1. Rights of participants
    • 3.2. Facility-based care and COVID-19
    • 3.3. Alternatives to facility-based rehabilitation
  • Chapter 4: Outreach and public information
  • Chapter 5: Considerations for programme design, monitoring and evaluation
    • 5.1. Understanding context
    • 5.2. Monitoring and evaluation
  • Bibliography