IRIS Handbook for Governments on Ethical Recruitment and Migrant Worker Protection: Chapter 4 – Advancing inter-State cooperation

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IRIS Handbook for Governments on Ethical Recruitment and Migrant Worker Protection: Chapter 4 – Advancing inter-State cooperation

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This resource is the fourth chapter of the IRIS Handbook for Governments on Ethical Recruitment and Migrant Worker Protection. With direct relevance to inter-State labour migration governance mechanisms and processes, it provides governments with practical guidance on how to integrate, mainstream and prioritize ethical recruitment in these cooperative activities.

The chapter covers a broad range of relevant topics including: the value and benefits of inter-State cooperation in international labour recruitment governance; the landscape of relevant labour migration mechanisms and processes (including labour migration agreements and inter-State consultation mechanisms); and specific guidance and examples of how to advance and prioritize ethical recruitment in these endeavours. Guidance is intended for government officials in their capacities as negotiators, regulators, inspectors, labour attachés and consular officials at different levels of administration (national, subnational) and across relevant portfolios (labour and employment, migration, foreign affairs, etc.).

The IRIS Handbook is IOM’s flagship global guidance tool for governments on ethical recruitment and migrant worker protection. It builds directly on the Montreal Recommendations on Recruitment: A Road Map towards Better Regulation with more detailed measures for consideration, and profiles relevant concrete actions that governments around the world have taken.

  • Acknowledgements 
  • Introduction and scope 
  • 1 Inter-State cooperation on ethical recruitment 
  • 2 Landscape of cooperation on labour migration governance: mechanisms and processes 
    • Labour migration agreements 
    • Consultative processes 
  • 3 Mainstreaming ethical recruitment in labour migration cooperation 
  • Labour migration agreements 
    • Alignment and consistency with relevant recruitment laws
    • Recruitment modalities 
    • Integrating fair and ethical recruitment elements and mechanisms
  • Consultation and collaborative engagements
  • Global level 
    • Interregional level 
    • Regional level 
    • Bilateral level 
  • Annex 
  • Resources