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Resolving Post-Disaster Displacement: Insights from the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)

Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), was one of the strongest tropical cyclones in history, and made landfall in the Philippines in early November 2013, with winds exceeding 300 km/h and a 5-m storm surge. Over 4 million people were displaced, with damage to housing and infrastructure across a vast area of the country. The event prompted a large-scale humanitarian response, led by the Government of the Philippines and with the support of its civil society, the private sector and the international partners. While major progress has been made in terms of relief, recovery and reconstruction, significant challenges remain. The report draws on a new household survey and extensive interviews with affected community members, government officials and other key stakeholders to examine the question of durable solutions to displacement in post-Haiyan Philippines, recognizing that the challenges faced in the aftermath of the disaster may be a source of insight for responses to other post-disaster displacement crises, both in the Philippines and elsewhere.

  • List of Tables
  • List of Map and Graphs
  • List of Acronyms
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
    • Summary of Key Findings
    • Methodology
  • Frameworks for Supporting Durable Solutions to Disaster-induced Displacement
    • IASC Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons
    • National and Local Frameworks
  • The Post-Haiyan Displacement Crisis: Background and Evolution of Responses
    • Overview of Displacement Patterns
    • National and Local Responses Related to Durable Solutions
    • International Responses
  • Supporting Durable Solutions to Displacement in Haiyan-affected Areas
    • Overarching Challenges
    • The Durable Solutions Process
      • Informed and Voluntary Choice
      • The Right to Assistance in Support of Durable Solutions
      • Law and Practice: Striving for Balanced Approaches to Durable Solutions
    • Promoting Long-term Safety and Security
    • Enjoyment of an Adequate Standard of Living
    • Access to Livelihoods and Employment
    • Restoration of Housing, Land and Property
      • Durable Solutions and Housing, Land and Property: An Overview of Needs,
      • Assistance and Protection Issues
    • Housing Rights and Settlement Options
    • Housing, Land and Property Issues Related to Return
    • Housing, Land and Property Issues Related to Relocations
  • Access to Documentation
  • Other IASC Framework Criteria: Family Reunification, Participation in Public Affairs and Access to Remedies
    • Family Reunification
    • Participation in Public Affairs
    • Access to Effective Remedies
  • Advancing Durable Solutions after Disasters: Reflections
    • Gender Dimensions of Post-disaster Durable Solutions
      • Participation and Leadership Related to Durable Solutions: Differential Experiences
      • Gender, Protection and Safety Concerns
      • Gender, Livelihoods and Durable Solutions
      • Recognizing Shortcomings and Looking Forward
    • Supporting Durable Solutions in Post-disaster, Rural Communities
    • The Role of Local Authorities in Durable Solutions
  • Conclusion and Recommendations