Original Language
ISSN 2223-5248
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Migration Policy Practice (Vol. VI, Number 1, February-March 2016)

This edition of Migration Policy Practice focuses on a range of themes, namely, migration and IT connectivity, the labour immigration system of Sweden, new migration and development strategies, and migration trends in the Arab region.

The first article describes the ways in which information and communications technology revolution enables the creation of faster and more affordable unregulated migration pathways, particularly through the many smartphone apps that are available for people travelling to and through Europe.

In the second article, authors argue that despite its flexibility, Sweden’s liberal, demand-driven policy for labour immigration from non-EU countries has often led migrant workers to vulnerable situations and has enabled employers to circumvent existing labour market regulations on decent working conditions and salaries.

The third article revisits the ongoing debate on migration and development, by stressing the importance of policies that aim to improve migrants’ integration into the host countries. 

The last article briefly presents the key findings of the 2015 Situation Report on International Migration: Migration, Displacement and Development in a Changing Arab Region, published recently by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia and the International Organization for Migration. The report shows that, in general, borders in the region are closing rather than opening. In any scenario, migration, mobility and displacement in the Arab region will remain closely interrelated with and will impact neighbouring regions.

The editors would like to invite readers to spare a couple of minutes to participate in a short readers’ satisfaction survey. The purpose of this survey, which can be taken anonymously, is to help the editors identify readers’ profiles, the institutions they represent and their primary interests in this journal. The survey responses should contribute, in particular, to adjusting and improving, as appropriate, the journal’s contents and style as well as readers’ experience. Should you wish to participate in this survey, please click here.

  • Introduction by Solon Ardittis and Frank Laczko
  • How transnational connectivity is shaping irregular by migration: Insights for migration policy and practice from the 2015 irregular migration flows to Europe by Marie McAuliffe
  • The most open system for labour immigration – has it worked? by Bernd Parusel and Kristof Tamas
  • A new strategy: Coherent and complementary integration and development policies by Özge Bilgili
  • Beyond displacement: Migration trends in the Arab region by Karoline Popp, Karima el Korri and Jozef Bartovic
  • Publications
  • MPP Readers’ Survey