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Migration between Russia and the European Union: Policy Implications from a Small-Scale Study of Irregular Migrants (Russian)

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The study provides a unique insight into the lives and experience of migrants from the Russian Federation, or who have transited Russian territory, considered as “irregular migrants” in the European Union. The study was conducted for IOM Moscow to support the ongoing development of administrative and legislative frameworks facilitating the return of migrants from the European Union to the Russian Federation and although small in scale, has yielded important insights. The findings from the study suggest a need for increasing the support services currently offered to migrants facing return to the Russian Federation, building on existing services to improve the information provided to migrants (and potential migrants). To be effective, such services will necessarily put the human rights of migrants in a paramount position and will work to avoid forced return. It is suggested that migrants and returned migrants should be recognized as valued members of society in both the EU and the Russian Federation and that the developing administrative and legislative frameworks should work towards that goal. This study and feedback from the presentation of study findings made to the Final Conference “Readmission Agreements and Their Role in Migration Management” held in Moscow, emphasizes the need to continue and develop study in this important area.

  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations
  • Executive Summary
  • Section 1 - Study Context, Aims and Objectives
  • Section 2 - Migration Patterns between the Russian Federation and the European Union
  • Section 3 - Profile of Migrants who have travelled from the Russian Federation to the European Union - Findings of the Study
  • Section 4 - Policy Implications and Recommendations for Future Good Practices
  • Section 5 - Concluding Comments
  • Bibliography
  • Annex 1
  • Annex 2
  • Annex 3
  • Annex 4
  • Annex 5