Towards the 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development
From October 2012 to June 2013, IOM, UNDESA and UNFPA organized, in collaboration with interested governments, five substantive meetings to prepare delegates and observers to the United Nations for the 2013 General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development. Four of the meetings focused on the themes of the four round tables decided upon in UN General Assembly Resolution 67/219, while the introductory meeting discussed the evolution of the global debate on international migration and development to date.
The themes of the meetings, which were all held at the United Nations in New York, were as follows:
- The Global Migration Debate: From the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) to the Present(12 October 2012);
- Sustainable Development and the Post-2015 Development Framework (24 January 2013);
- Measures to Ensure Respect for and Protection of the Human Rights of all Migrants, with Particular Reference to Women and Children, as well as to Prevent and Combat Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Persons, and to Ensure Regular, Orderly, and Safe Migration (20 February 2013);
- Strengthening Partnerships and Cooperation on International Migration, Mechanisms to Effectively Integrate Migration into Development Policies, and Promote Coherence at All Levels (23 April 2013);
- International and Regional Labour Mobility and its Impact on Development (7 June 2013).
This report consolidates papers prepared for the preparatory round tables of the High-level Dialogue Series and the resulting summaries. It also presents a concise review of recent research, thinking and policy developments in each of the focus areas of the High-level Dialogue; identifies concrete recommendations and priorities as appropriate; and is supported by a targeted list of key references to enable further information-gathering and analysis as required. The publication is primarily intended to support permanent missions and other stakeholders in preparing for the High-level Dialogue; it is hoped that it would also be a useful resource beyond the High-level Dialogue, including in preparation for the 2014 GFMD and in informing the debate on the post-2015 development framework.
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- List of Abbreviations
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Series 1 – From the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development to the Present (12 October 2012)
- Series 2 – Round table 1: Assessing the Effects of International Migration on Sustainable Development and Identifying Relevant Priorities in View of the Preparation of the Post-2015 Development Framework (23 January 2013)
- Series 3 – Round table 2: Measures to Ensure Respect for and Protection of the Human Rights of All Migrants, with Particular Reference to Women and Children, as well as to Prevent and Combat Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Persons, and to Ensure Regular, Orderly, and Safe Migration (20 February 2013)
- Series 4 – Round table 3: Strengthening Partnerships and Cooperation on International Migration, Mechanisms to Effectively Integrate Migration into Development Policies, and Promote Coherence at all Levels (23 April 2013)
- Series 5 – Round table 4: International and Regional Labour Mobility and its Impact on Development (7 June 2013)
- Conclusion
- List of References