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South-South Labour Migration in Papua New Guinea: Which workers are filling the gap?

How is Papua New Guinea integrating human mobility into its national and regional plans? Which are the institutional factors, international migration networks and cultural/historical similarities of South-South labour migration between Fiji, Solomon Islands and PNG?

Aiming at answering these questions, this study finally reveals that migration from Fiji and Solomon Islands to PNG has had a minimal impact, due to factors such as Melanesian history and institutional structures, while it argues that South-South labour mobility primarily comes from Asian countries. Thus, it provides some innovative recommendations which seek to foster economic development in rural areas through training systems, encourage circular and return migration through migration policies, as well as to streamline institutional systems so that they support South-South migration between Melanesian countries.

  • List of acronyms
  • Executive summary
  • Résumé analytique
  • Resumo executivo
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Methodology of the study
    • 2.1 Research question
    • 2.2 Objectives
    • 2.3 Methodology, research design and analysis
    • 2.4 Limitations
  • 3. Literature review: Labour and migration trends in Melanesia
    • 3.1 Attachment of Melanesians to land
    • 3.2 Historical factors
    • 3.3 Poorly developed institutions
    • 3.4 Summary of literature review
  • 4. PNG labour and migration policies
    • 4.1 PNG labour force
    • 4.2 Colonial and post-colonial labour policies
    • 4.3 Contemporary labour policies
    • 4.4 Challenges facing PNG’s labour market
    • 4.5 Labour mobility policy reforms
    • 4.6 PNG participation in labour mobility schemes
  • 5. South–South migration among PNG, Solomon Islands and Fiji
    • 5.1 Institutional Factors: Putting the MSG skills movement scheme in practice
    • 5.2 Absence of networks: Limited labour mobility among Melanesian countries
    • 5.3 Cultural/historical similarities between Melanesian countries
    • 5.4 PNG’s labour market: Are Asian workers filling the gap?
  • 6. Conclusions
  • 7. References
  • 8. Appendix