Original Language
Number of Pages
Reference Number
PUB2020/001/U (PUB2020/071/R)
Year of Publication

Situation Report on International Migration 2019: The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in the Context of the Arab Region

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As a multi-agency collaboration involving several organizations, this report has been published without style editing or review against IOM’s specific guidelines.

The opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the report do not imply expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IOM concerning legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.

The present report provides a multidisciplinary and comprehensive overview of migration trends, policy developments, and priority issues in the region to inform policymakers, researchers and practitioners. It builds on previous editions of the report, and provides an increasingly comprehensive and up-to-date picture of migration in the Arab region over time. In addition, it examines regional migration governance in the light of GCM objectives, with an emphasis on full inclusion, access to basic services for migrants, reducing vulnerabilities of migrants, and preventing and combatting the smuggling and trafficking of migrants.

  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • 1. Overview of Migration and Displacement Trends in the Arab Region
    • A. Migration to and displacement in Arab countries
    • B. Migration and displacement from Arab countries
    • C. Migration and displacement by subregion
    • D. Inflows and outflows of remittances in the Arab region
    • E. Drivers of migration and root causes of displacement
    • F. Summary of key findings
  • 2. Developments in Migration Governance in the Arab Region
    • A. National policies on international migration and displacement
    • B. International cooperation on migration
    • C. Conclusion
  • 3. Global Compact for Migration: Policy Implications for the Arab Region
    • A. Introduction
    • B. Developing a global migration governance framework
    • C. Global Compact for Migration
    • D. Relevance of the Global Compact for Migration objectives to the Arab region
    • E. Implementing the Global Compact for Migration: priority areas for the Arab region
    • F. Conclusion
  • Annexes
    • I. Glossary of terms
    • II Migration and displacement to the Arab region
    • Migration and displacement from the Arab region
    • III. Migrants and refugees by age
    • IV. Remittances
    • V. Arab States’ ratification status of international legal instruments related to international migration and displacement
    • VI. Legislation on selected areas of migrants’ rights to access basic services
    • VII. Legislation on selected areas for reducing vulnerabilities of migrants
    • VIII. Legislation on preventing and combatting smuggling and trafficking of migrants
  • Endnotes
  • Bibliography