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Returnees and IOM in the Horn of Africa: A Natural Experiment-Based Evaluation - IMPACT Study Report #2

This report focuses on a natural experiment-based evaluation conducted as part of the IMPACT study, to better illustrate the effects of the pandemic and other shocks on the wellbeing of returning migrants assisted under the EU-IOM joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan. The findings of this evaluation complement the results obtained through the main evaluation design described in IMPACT Study Report #1 and the IMPACT Study Country reports available in the Technical Resources.

  • List of Figures 
  • List of Boxes 
  • List of Tables 
  • List of Acronyms 
  • Glossary 
  • Executive Summary 
  • 1. Introduction and Methodology 
    • 1.1. Added value of the Natural Experiment and complementariness with IMPACT 
    • 1.2. Aim of the study 
    • 1.3. Target population and areas 
    • 1.4. Data collection 
    • 1.5. Assessing and adapting to bias 
    • 1.6. Quantitative methods 
    • 1.7. Analytical methods 
  • 2. The Effects of the COVID-19-linked Shock on Returnees 
  • 3. Assessing Resilience and Effectiveness of Responses 
  • 3.1. Returnee characteristics that influenced responses 
  • 4. Added Value of the JI-HoA Assistance 
  • 5. Conclusions 
  • 6. Recommendations 
  • 7. Lessons 
  • 8. Methodological Notes 
    • 8.1. Evaluation questions 
    • 8.2. Recall and recognition of COVID-19 control measures 
    • 8.3. Bias and adaptation 
    • 8.4. Quantitative methods 
    • 8.5. Analytical methods 
  • 9. References*