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R.E.A.D.M.I.T Training Manual on Readmission

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The READMIT Training Manual on Readmission is designed to provide a toolkit for practitioners who face the challenge of improving the capacity of their country to manage migration. The Manual explores theoretical issues of readmission, focusing on implementation in the Republic of Armenia, and examines related areas of migration management forming the framework where the readmission process functions. Therefore, the purpose of the Manual is to present the theory of readmission as a kind of return process and at the same time consists of supplementary knowledge useful for any practitioner who works in the public management sphere.

The Manual provides a knowledge base in a non-technical format and has seven sections. Each section is dedicated to one of the most challenging aspects of the readmission process. Sections can be studied independently or in assisted sessions and in the order given in the table of contents or selected in combinations that serve particular interests. The Manual was prepared within the framework of the regional project funded by the European Commission and the IOM Development Fund, “Supporting the establishment of effective readmission management in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia”, and the regional project funded by the IOM Development Fund, “Building capacity of government structures in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia for the effective management of readmission and return”