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Rapid Assessment Report on Socioeconomic and Cultural Vulnerabilities in Resettlement Areas: Meheba and Mayukwayukwa

The local integration process does not end with the offering of land to former refugees but is just one of the first steps towards building a cohesive community. Social cohesion is critical to the quality of life of both the local community and former refugees. The Government of the Republic of Zambia takes a lead role in facilitating the process of integrating former refugees into Zambian host communities. In building cohesive communities, attention goes to improving people’s quality of life and maximizing the potential, despite their different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds, to live and work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.

This assessment was undertaken by IOM, with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funding from the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security.

The study was conducted in the Mayukwayukwa and Meheba resettlement areas and sought to investigate aspects of child marriage, gender-based violence, abuse and exploitation. Broadly, the study focused on inclusion (economic and social), belonging, social relationships, civic participation, legitimacy of the community leadership, peace and security, and alcohol and drug abuse.

  • Acronyms
  • Executive summary
  • Key findings
  • Recommendations
  • 1. Background of the study
  • 2. Methodology
    • 2.1. Target population and location
    • 2.2. Sampling and sample size
    • 2.3. Data collection methods
    • 2.4. Data analysis
    • 2.5. Recruitment and orientation of data collectors
    • 2.6. Ethical considerations
  • 3. Findings 
    • 3.1. Sociodemographic profile 
    • 3.2. Social cohesion
    • 3.3. Child marriage3.4. Gender-based violence
    • 3.5. Alcohol and drug abuse
  • 4. Discussion of findings
    • 4.1. Inclusion (economic and social)
    • 4.2. Belonging (identity, values and recognition)4.3. Social relationships (networks, values and recognition)
    • 4.4. Civic participation
    • 4.5. Legitimacy
    • 4.6. Peace and security
    • 4.7. Child marriage
  • 5. Conclusion and recommendations
    • 5.1. Conclusion
    • 5.2. Recommendations
  • Annexes
  • Annex I. Institutions or sectors that participated in the key informant interviews
  • Annex II. Individual respondent questionnaire
  • Annex III. Key informant interview guide
  • Annex IV. Focus group discussion guide
  • References