Protection Schemes for Victims of Trafficking in Selected EU Member Countries, Candidate and Third Countries
This research has contributed to raise awareness of the policy and operational approaches of protection schemes,among officials involved in combating trafficking and those serving this target population. It has also improved participants’ level of expertise in assisting and protecting of victims of trafficking; strengthened and extended cooperation and exchange of information on good practices; and helped in devising and disseminating durable solutions and recommendations for the protection of, and assistance to, victims of trafficking.
This study has given further impetus to the cooperation process against trafficking in human beings in an enlarged Europe. It has contributed to increasing the participants’ level of awareness with regard to the European policies and actions undertaken to combat trafficking in human beings.
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- Introduction
- Concepts and Definitions of Trafficking
- Country Case Studies
- Where Do We Stand Regarding Victim Protection?
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Main Sources of Reference