Navigating Human Security and Climate Mobility in the Pacific Sea of Islands
Climate change is undermining human security in the Pacific and will inevitably worsen based on the current global trajectory. The implications of climate change for human mobility have become a clear and widely cited example of the impacts of climate change on the security of Pacific communities. The Boe Declaration Action Plan, adopted by the leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum in 2019, recognizes the need to better anticipate, understand and contextualize the impact of climate change on security in the region, including its interactions with human security and conflict. Pervasive security threats, such as climate change, require commitment and responses at multiple scales. It is therefore important to examine the relationship between human security and climate-related mobility in the Pacific in the overall context of climate security. This research brief seeks to help practitioners and policymakers better understand the value of the human security approach in addressing climate mobility challenges in the Pacific. It provides guidance on how to integrate this approach into policy, including with other workstreams related to climate security. These are complex questions that policymakers, practitioners and academics have been considering for some time but clearly must be understood and contextualized in the Pacific to help address the everyday challenges faced by communities across the region.