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MRS No. 47 - Displaced Youth's Role in Sustainable Return: Lessons from South Sudan

More than 2 million Southerners have returned to South Sudan since 2005, following the end of the North–South civil war. Building on research conducted in South Sudan, as well as Egypt and northern Uganda, Ensor examines the process of reintegration of refugees and internally displaced persons returning to South Sudan since the signing of the 2005 Peace Agreement. The study focuses on the role played by displaced youth as they find themselves differentially situated vis-à-vis the various determinants of sustainable return and reintegration. The research finds that intergenerational tensions are a result of many displaced youths’ aspirations to a “modern” – often meaning urban – way of life perceived as incompatible with traditional livelihoods and social relations. In turn, these dynamics are impacting the way in which access to material assets, education, employment opportunities, political participation and other key resources is negotiated among displaced groups and those who stayed behind. The study also finds evidence of significant gender differences.

As the pressures of responding to the complex needs of the vast numbers of returning individuals continue to mount, reintegration remains a loosely defined concept among government officials and external assistance agencies and, furthermore, understandings of what constitutes “sustainable return” differ markedly among the various stakeholders. Intergenerational differences regarding reintegration needs and aspirations, and even the very desirability of return, are rarely considered. This report shares primary research findings that may support return and reintegration programming so as to better respond to the age- and gender-differentiated needs and aspirations of diverse migrant groups in South Sudan.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Acronyms
  • Executive Summary
  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Background
    • 1.2 Rationale
    • 1.3 Scope, Methods and Structure of the Report
  • 2. Research Frameworks on Return and Reintegration
    • 2.1 Legal-Normative Perspectives
    • 2.2 Sociocultural Frameworks
    • 2.3 Repatriation, Reintegration and Sustainable Return
  • 3. Displaced Youth
    • 3.1 Children and Youth in South Sudan
    • 3.2 Age and Gender Dynamics
    • 3.3 Young People as Returnees
  • 4. Determinants of Sustainable Return
    • 4.1 Returnee Livelihoods in South Sudan
    • 4.2 Insecurity and Conflict as Threats to Sustainability
    • 4.3 Reintegration towards a More Resilient Future
  • 5. Concluding Thoughts
    • 5.1 Importance of Evidence-Based Programming
    • 5.2 Making Return Sustainable
    • 5.3 Recommendations
  • References
  • Endnotes