Original Language
Number of Pages
Date of Publication

15 Oct 2015

Migration in Ukraine: A Country Profile 2008

Migration in Ukraine: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Nowadays, Ukraine is a country of origin, transit, and destination for migrants. The main bulk of immigrants originate in the FSU countries, whereas migrants from outside the former Soviet area constitute a less significant share of the total number of immigrants. Concerning emigration from Ukraine, the numbers vary greatly across sources. Nonetheless, Ukraine is among the top recipient countries in the world with a large number of international migrants. On the other hand, there are large communities of Ukrainians established in several regions of the world that maintain strong bonds with the home country, including through sending remittances.

  • List of tables and figures
  • Acronym List
  • Foreword
  • Executive Summary: General Assessment of Migrant Issues
  • Immigrants
  • Emigrants
  • Remittances
  • Migrant communities/diasporas
  • Irregular migration
  • Assessment and analysis of migration issues
  • Annex