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Migration, remittances and development in Africa: The case of Lusophone countries

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Africans mostly migrate within the continent and constitute only 9 per cent of the population that migrates internationally (UNDESA, 2009). Migration in Africa, in addition to intra-regional, is unstable, largely fuelled by conflict and environmental changes, displaying high volumes of seasonal movements and growing rates of female participation. Among others, these factors contribute to the fact that African countries receive a comparatively small amount of remittances, when compared to other benefiting areas in the developing world.

This document addresses the situation regarding international migration and financial remittances of a group of African countries united by a common language and history, although separated by many factors – the African lusophone countries, namely Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe. In the first section, a brief overview of current trends in African international migration and remittances will be made. In the second section, the specific case of the African lusophone countries will be singled out, featuring some development indicators, trends in international migration and remittances. Lastly, some final remarks will be set.