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Migration Policy Practice (Volume II, Number 1, February-March 2012)

Migration Policy Practice is a bimonthly journal published jointly by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Eurasylum Ltd. It only contributes articles from, and is overseen by, senior officials in Government, EU and international organizations, as well as civil society worldwide, working in the field of migration policy.

The focus of this issue of Migration Policy Practice is on Migration and Development. This special theme is informed by three articles by Kristof Tamas (on the EU Global Approach to Migration and Mobility), Irena Omelaniuk (on the GFMD’s achievements to date), and Ali Mansoor (on GFMD 2012’s work programme). This issue also includes a short introduction to, and a call for articles on, the possible development of benchmarks to measure the implications for migration of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 

Should you wish to contribute an article for a future issue of this journal, please contact Solon Ardittis (sardittis@eurasylum.org) and Frank Laczko (flaczko@iom.int).


  • Migration and Development: Looking beyond 2015 by Solon Ardittis and Frank Laczko
  • How comprehensive is the EU’s Global Approach to Migration? by Kristof Tamas
  • The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD): What has it achieved to date? by Irena Omelaniuk
  • GFMD 2012 under the Mauritius Chairmanship by Ali Mansoor