Original Language
ISSN 2223-5248
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Migration Policy Practice (Vol. IX, Number 1, January 2019-March 2019)

Special Issue on Return and Reintegration

This new issue of Migration Policy Practice is a special edition focused on the return and reintegration of migrants who are unable or unwilling to remain in host or transit countries. In light of complex and dynamic migration flows, the discourse on return and reintegration has gained renewed prominence in national and international political agenda in recent years. In 2018, 152 governments agreed to have a dedicated objective to this topic in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

Within this context, the special issue of Migration Policy Practice seeks to present challenges, opportunities, existing practices and policy implications in the field of return and reintegration. It explores a wide variety of subjects in these areas, including relevant provisions in the Global Compact for Migration, assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR), specific safeguards for the return and reintegration of children and their families, the role of local governments in the implementation of sustainable reintegration policies, and how to define and measure sustainable reintegration to inform evidence-based programming and policies. 

This special issue includes articles by experts and practitioners from the Migration Policy Institute, Samuel Hall, UNICEF and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as well as the Mayor of Zacatecoluca in El Salvador.

  • Introduction by Anh Nguyen
  • Return and reintegration in the Global Compact for Migration by Kathleen Newland
  • A framework for assisted voluntary return and reintegration by Nicola Graviano and Noëlle Darbellay
  • Towards child-rights compliance in return and reintegration by Natalia Alonso Cano and Irina Todorova
  • The contribution of local governments to the reintegration process: The experience of Zacatecoluca, El Salvador by Dr Francisco Salvador Hirezi Morataya
  • Measuring sustainable reintegration by Nassim Majidi and Nazanine Nozarian
  • Publications