Migration in Lesotho: A Country Profile 2023
Migration in Lesotho: A Country Profile 2023 is the first consolidation of an analytical representation of the impact of migration on Lesotho’s socioeconomic situation. The Migration Profile is an authoritative description of migration trends in Lesotho. It provides an insight into the complexity of migration situation of Lesotho as a landlocked country enclaved within its only neighbour, South Africa, and complications brought by porosity of borders between the two countries leading to high irregular migration. The Migration Profile also provides an analysis of the impact of migration on Lesotho’s fragile economy, which depends entirely on South Africa and to a large extent on remittances that contribute over 20 per cent of Lesotho’s GDP. The Migration Profile also identifies policy gaps that should be addressed to ensure that the country is compliant with international migrants’ protection norms and principles. The objective of developing the Migration Profile is to support evidence-based policymaking and promote mainstreaming of migration into the policy planning process by making current existing migration data available to government and other stakeholders through the development and dissemination of a Migration Profile. The process to develop the Migration in Lesotho: A Country Profile 2023 enhanced migration data fluency and analysis skills of stakeholders involved in the development of the report. The process also strengthened migration data production coordination role of the Bureau of Statistics due to enhanced data sharing capacities of migration data producing government ministries and departments.
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- Foreword
- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms and abbreviations
- Glossary
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- A. Migration trends and migration characteristics
- A.1. Immigration flows
- A.2. Immigration
- A.3. Emigration
- A.4. Irregular migration
- A.5. Return migration
- A.6. Internal migration
- B. Impact of migration
- B.1. Migration and human development
- B.2. Migration and economic development
- B.3. Migration and employment and labour market
- B.4. Migration and social development
- B.5. Migration and health
- B.6. Migration and environment
- C. Migration governance
- C.1. National policy framework
- C.2. Southern African Development Community regional-level frameworks, protocols and policies
- C.3. International cooperation and domestication of international frameworks
- C.4. Institutional framework
- C.5. International cooperation
- D. Key findings, policy implications and recommendations
- D.1. Main findings on current trends, migration policies and the impact of migration
- D.2. Recommendations concerning mainstreaming migration into development policies
- D.3. Recommendations regarding the migration governance framework
- D.4. Recommendations concerning improvements to migration statistics and the overall evidence base
- References