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Migration Initiatives 2018

Migration Initiatives is IOM’s annual publication detailing the scope of the Organization’s activities for the year to come and the different contributions it makes to improve migration governance on the basis of the Migration Governance Framework. As the global compact for migration process moves towards its final phase, Migration Initiatives takes a look at IOM’s plans to develop initiatives upholding migrant rights, supporting evidence for policymaking, relying on partnerships and aiming at improving the well-being of migrants, addressing crises and enhancing safe and orderly migration.

Migration Initiatives 2018 sums up IOM planned interventions for 2018 in a comprehensive, innovative and looking-forward manner. While the main document illustrates IOM’s ambitions and areas of engagement, the annex summarizes planned activities and funding requirements by IOM Country Offices, regional offices and headquarters divisions.

Download the funding requirements

  • Foreword
  • Funding Requirements
  • Principle 1: Adhering to international standards and fulfilling migrants’ rights
  • Principle 2: Using evidence and whole-of-government approaches
  • Principle 3: Developing strong partnerships
  • Objective 1: Advancing the socioeconomic well-being of migrants and society
  • Objective 2: Addressing the mobility dimensions of crises
  • Objective 3: Safe, orderly and dignified migration
  • A stronger organization
  • Acronyms