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Migration and HIV/AIDS in Thailand: A Desk Review of Migrant Labour Sectors

Using available documents from 2000-2006, this publication reviews and summarizes risks and vulnerabilities associated with HIV infection among cross-border migrants working in various labour sectors in Thailand.  It incorporates current laws and policies related to migrant labour and migrant health, as well as current STI/HIV-related programmes for migrants in Thailand. Furthermore, this publication provides a set of recommendations for future HIV programming for migrants in the country.  The list of literature with summary descriptions and findings appended to the report are rich sources of related information.

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Migrant Labour Sector and their Associate Risk and Vulnerability to HIV Infection
  • Seafarers and Seafood Factory Workers
  • Other Factory Workers
  • Sex Workers
  • Labourers
  • Refugees
  • Policy and Regulations towards Migrants in Thailand
  • Labour Law and Migrants
  • Current STIs/HIV/AIDS Policy
  • Code of Practice on Prevention of HIV in the Work Establishment
  • Barriers for Migrants’ Access to STIs/HIV/AIDS Services
  • Programmes for Migrant STIs/HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support
  • Recommendations
  • References
  • Interviews
  • Appendix 1
  • Appendix 2
  • Appendix 3
  • Appendix 4