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The MIDA Experience and Beyond

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Over the past ten years IOM’s experience in ac­companying governments through programmes, initiatives, studies and nu­merous conferences con­cerning Migration for De­velopment in Africa (MIDA) and similar initiatives in Latin America and the Car­ibbean, Asia and the Pacific have demonstrated that migration can bring signifi­cant benefits for social and economic development.

In order to share the good practices and lessons learnt with a wider audi­ence, such initiatives span­ning across regions have been assessed in this study to enable their further de­velopment. The MIDA pub­lication is hoped to provide a useful tool for govern­ments and other stake­holders to build a more strategic and practical ap­proach aimed at engaging diasporas and migrants in development efforts.

  • Acknowledgments
  • Selected acronyms and abbreviations
  • Preface
  • Introduction
    • Chapter I: Enhancing the contribution to development by diasporas and migrants: An evolving concept and its context
    • Chapter II: Strategic approaches and key phases of MIDA and similar programmes
    • Chapter III: Monitoring and Evaluation
    • Chapter IV: New orientations in the field of Migration for Development
    • Chapter V: Integrating Migration Into National and Regional Poverty Reduction and Development Plans
    • Chapter VI: Observations and Recommendations
  • Annex