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Mapping Report of the Kyrgyz Diaspora, Compatriots and Migrants Abroad

Update and Inventory of the Kyrgyz Diaspora Members/Groups List of Some Large Communities Abroad (in Some Countries of Destination and/or Permanent Residence in Migration)
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This Mapping Report of the Kyrgyz Diaspora, Compatriots and Migrants Abroad was commissioned by IOM within the framework of the project titled “Leveraging Diaspora Funding into Climate Action” funded by the IOM Development Fund and managed by IOM Kyrgyzstan in collaboration with the government and non-government stakeholders involved.

The overall goal of the project is to contribute to supporting the Government of Kyrgyzstan’s strategic vision in climate change adaptation with a special focus on channelling diaspora funding to support climate action. This objective will be achieved by generating evidence of motivational factors among diaspora members and compatriots with regard to supporting climate action (mitigation or adaptation) in Kyrgyzstan and improving awareness and capacities of national stakeholders, particularly relevant government institutions (e.g., Climate Finance Centre and National Council on Diaspora), about the role of diaspora funding in the context of climate finance. IOM generates knowledge through research, and leverages the knowledge generated through the research and stakeholder engagement to build the capacity of relevant government institutions through trainings on migration, environment and climate change and diaspora engagement, ministerial briefings, and by supporting relevant national initiatives such as the National Action Plan for Migration Policy.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of text boxes | List of tables
  • List of figures
  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Chapter 1
  • Introductory overview
    • 1.1. Inventory of diaspora mapping as comparative analysis of a five‑year cycle
    • 1.2. The growing population density in the valleys and foothills of Kyrgyzstan linked to external migration
    • 1.3. External migration: sustainable migration destinations and level of remittances
    • 1.4. On environmental and climatic migration: towards investing to climate change adaptation and community resilience
  • Chapter 2
  • Survey methodology
    • 2.1. Sample of the survey: planned design and elements of randomness
    • 2.2. Tool 1: Online questionnaire survey
    • 2.3. Tool 2: Semi-structured in-depth interview 
  • Chapter 3
  • Field data collection
    • 3.1. Semi-structured in-depth interviews
    • 3.2. Diaspora groups in social networks and closed groups in WhatsApp and Telegram
    • 3.3. Preliminary design of a migrants’ database
  • Chapter 4
  • Analysis of online survey data
    • 4.1. Kyrgyzstanis abroad: migrants, compatriots and diaspora
    • 4.2. Countries of permanent residence and the number of years in migration
    • 4.3. Readiness and obstacles to the return to Kyrgyzstan
    • 4.4. Regularity of visits to Kyrgyzstan
    • 4.5. Remittances of Kyrgyz migrants and gender aspects of distribution decisions 
  • Chapter 5
  • Analysis and consolidation of semi‑structured in-depth interview data
    • 5.1. Kyrgyz diaspora abroad and the principles of unification
    • 5.2. Conditions for better interaction between migrants and their diaspora associations, between diasporas and specific communities in Kyrgyzstan in the context of development and prosperity 
    • 5.3. Willingness or readiness to invest, money transfers, including through communication platforms and special funds
    • 5.4. Conditions necessary to improve cooperation between diaspora associations and the national homeland, including through communication platforms and special funds
    • 5.5. On possible return to Kyrgyzstan, understanding environmental and climate challenges, investing in climate projects
    • 5.6. Willingness to return, obstacles and motivation to return to the country
    • 5.7. Participation and interaction with compatriots in the destination country as sources of diaspora mutual assistance, channels of communication with the homeland, the most practical interactions on diaspora assistance to Kyrgyzstan
    • 5.8. Potential interest of diaspora members in contributions to climate change adaptation, resilience in response to environmental and natural disasters
  • Chapter 6
  • Conclusions and recommendations
    • 6.1. Survey’s key findings and recommendations
    • 6.2. Semi-structured in-depth interviews’ key findings and recommendations
    • 6.3. Conclusions of inventory mapping of the Kyrgyz diaspora in migration
  • Annex 1. Online survey questionnaire (January–February 2021)
  • Annex 2. Information on prize winners for motivation to take part in the online questionnaire survey
  • Annex 3. Cross-tabulated data of online questionnaire survey
  • Annex 4. Semi-structured in-depth interview structure and questions
  • Annex 5. List of semi-structured in-depth interview respondents
  • References