IOM Middle East and North Africa Regional Strategy 2017-2020 (Arabic)
IOM Middle East and North Africa Regional Strategy 2017–2020 (Arabic)
The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Regional Strategy for the Middle East and North Africa sets out key objectives to guide IOM’s operations, strategic positioning and policy and advocacy work for the period from 2017 to 2020. While not a summary of the full breadth of IOM programming in the region, the objectives represent priority areas for action to improve the conditions and impacts of migration for individuals and societies, address acute and structural challenges in migration governance, and contribute to meeting international commitments and standards.
The strategy aligns with the principles and objectives of the Migration Governance Framework, which was endorsed by IOM Member States in 2015. It also outlines subregional priorities for North Africa, the Mashreq and the Gulf countries and specifies cross-cutting issues and institutional principles that IOM adheres to throughout its work to maximize organizational effectiveness.
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- Introduction
- Vision
- Migration in the Middle East and North Africa
- IOM in the Middle East and North Africa
- PART I. Applying the Migration Governance Framework in the Middle East and North Africa
- Principle 1: Adherence to international standards and the fulfilment of migrants’ rights
- Principle 2: Evidence-based and whole-of-government approaches
- Principle 3: Strong partnerships
- Objective 1: Socioeconomic well-being of migrants and society
- Objective 2: Effective responses to the mobility dimensions of crises
- Objective 3: Safe, orderly and dignified migration
- PART II. Subregional priorities
- North Africa
- Middle East/Mashreq
- Gulf and Gulf Cooperation Council
- PART III. Organizational effectiveness: Cross-cutting issues and institutional principles