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International Migration Vol. 62 (1) February 2024

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Koç University and published and distributed by Wiley. The editor at Koç University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

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    • Issue Information
    • Letter from the editors
    • Returns from the South: Effects of return migration of Ghanaian migrants from China on livelihoods and wealth inequalities in Ghana
    • Has immobility been left behind in migration regulatory infrastructures?
    • Emancipation really matters: Why family firms might be a preferable choice for Syrian refugees in Egypt? An exploratory study
    • Subjective well-being of older migrants in the Netherlands: A conceptual and methodological discussion
    • The role of digital literacy in satisfaction with online migration services in Ghana: A cross-sectional survey
    • Human mobility and environmental degradation: Shaping rural Morocco
    • Migratory flows and pandemic: An analysis of impacts on immigrants of foreign origin in Spain
    • Chinese grand(parenting) encourages a re-imagining of Canada's immigration regime
    • “A lot of work needs to be done”—Service provider perspectives of mental health services available to Croatia- and Bosnia-born migrants
    • Exit is the answer: The political nature of Central American migration
    • Electoral turnout of foreign-born residents in Chile: an analysis with data from the administrative census and opinion polls
    • Patriarchal bargains in short-term women's migration from Bangladesh
    • CARIN' about migrants through news? Linking migrant deservingness to traditional and digital media consumption
    • Change and stability of migration intentions. Evidence from Italy
    • Comparing pre-war and forced Ukrainian migrants in Poland: Challenges for the labour market and prospects for integration
    • The prolonged dilemma: Refugees' impact on labour market in Türkiye
    • International migration and the NGOs working in the field of migration in Turkey
    • Pathways to reintegration in Senegal and Nigeria promoted by Italian Assisted Voluntary Return programmes
    • Mass migration governance and openness toward refugees: Comparing Germany and Turkey
    • Migration between imperfectly competitive economies
    • Intersectional migration research: Re-centring governance structures
    • Pursuing social justice in gender and migration research
    • Maria Garcia Cristina. 2022. State of disaster: The failure of US migration policy in an age of climate change. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. pp. 235.
    • Katharina Natter. 2023. The politics of immigration beyond liberal states: Morocco and Tunisia in comparative perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 310.
    • Stacey Vanderhurst. 2022. Unmaking migrants: Nigeria’s campaign to end human trafficking. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 210
    • Yasmine Shamma, Suzan Ilcan, Vicki Squire, Helen Underhill (Eds.). 2022. Migration, culture and identity: Making home away: Politics of citizenship and migration. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 206.
    • Giuseppe Campesi. 2021. Policing mobility regimes: Frontex and the production of the European borderscape. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. pp.324.