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International Migration Vol. 61 (3) June 2023

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Koç University and published and distributed by Wiley. The editor at Koç University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

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    • Issue Information
    • Post-2015 refugees in Germany: “Culture of welcome”, solidarity or exclusion?
    • Excluded by crisis management? Legislative hyperactivity in post-2015 Germany
    • Embodying legal precarity: Living with ongoing short-term protection in Germany
    • Unfolding intersecting forms of socio-spatial exclusion: Accommodation centres at the height of the “refugee reception crisis” in Germany
    • Access to and exclusion from housing over time: Refugees' experiences in rural areas
    • Cultures of unwelcome: Understanding the everyday histories of exclusionary practices – A view from across the German border
    • Balancing inclusion and exclusion among Somali migrants in Germany
    • A case study to explore the key factors that influence international students’ immigration intention in Taiwan: A revised model of goal-directed behaviour
    • Exploring the co-movements between COVID-19 pandemic and international air traffic: A global perspective based on wavelet analysis
    • A Lifeline in troubled waters: A support intervention for migrant farm workers
    • Inside the ‘efficacy gap’: Migration policy and the dynamics of encounter
    • Transnational social protection infrastructures: African migrants in Mexico
    • When what you have is not enough—Acquiring Australian qualifications to overcome non-recognition of overseas skills
    • Refugee protection in the region: A survey and evaluation of current trends
    • Refugee life, refugee space: Ankara as a bottom-up alternative
    • Innovation as a cause of highly skilled migration: Evidence from Greece
    • Kindergarten teachers promote the participation experience of African Asylum-Seeker families
    • Accommodation, empowerment and disinvestment—Typical second-language learning trajectories of Syrian refugees in Germany
    • Building cultural intelligence through supervisor support: Social exchange and subjective career success as mediators and organisational support as a moderator
    • Women in transit: Risky journeys and precarious lives among North Korean female escapees in China
    • The pains and gains of reception centres: How length of stay in reception centres is associated with Syrian refugees' mental health during early resettlement
    • Pursuit of happiness: Subjective well-being of immigrants and natives
    • The UK National Health Service's migration infrastructure in times of Brexit and COVID-19: Disjunctures, continuities and innovations
    • Life satisfaction and desire to emigrate: What does the cross-national analysis show?
    • A right to research?
    • A compendium of keywords in refugee and migration studies is a collective work
    • The phrase ‘refugees and migrants’ undermines analysis, policy and protection
    • We are all Africans here: Race, mobilities and West Africans in Europe