Original Language
ISSN 0020-7985494
Number of Pages
188 pages
Year of Publication

International Migration, Vol. 49(4) 2011

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited at Georgetown University's Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) and published and distributed by Blackwell Publishing. The editors at ISIM are responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

  • Impact of the Group of Co-migrants on Strategies of Acculturation: Towards an Expansion of the Berry Model by Erik H. Cohen
  • Post-urbanism, Incorporation, and Migration by Jacqueline Olvera and Douglas Rae
  • The Integration of Immigrants in Sweden: a Model for the European Union? by Anja Wiesbrock
  • Voting and Social Inclusion in Sweden by Peter Bevelander and Ravi Pendakur
  • When Will the Russians Come? On Post-Soviet Immigration and Integration in Sweden by Jenny Olofsson and Gunnar Malmberg
  • The Native-Immigrant Income Gap among the Self-Employed in Sweden by Pernilla Andersson Joona
  • Immigrants’ Returns to Schooling in Sweden by Martin Nordin
  • Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Migrants’ Increased Social Rights in Sweden by Hans E. Andersson and Susanna Nilsson


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