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International Dialogue on Migration No. 33: Global Compact for Migration implementation in practice: Successes, challenges and innovative approaches

The first edition of the International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) in 2022 took place from 28 February to 2 March 2022 on the theme: Global Compact for Migration Implementation in Practice: Successes, Challenges and Innovative Approaches. The session was dedicated to the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. The session’s main objective was to encourage dialogue among Member States, stakeholders, and partners on the progress made by the international community in advancing the objectives of the Global Compact since its adoption in 2018. The IDM was a timely and opportune moment ahead of the IMRF and its outcomes served to inform Member States’ and stakeholders’ preparations for the Review Forum.

This publication, submitted to the IMRF as a contribution, presents a report of the three-day session and offers the reader a compilation of relevant data, evidence, best practices, innovative approaches and recommendations relevant to the implementation of the Global Compact as shared by migration experts, governments and practitioners at the meeting. 

  • Abbreviations
  • Foreword
  • Key Insights
  • Introduction 
  • Part I: Reducting Risks and Vulnerabilities of Migrants
    • 1.1 Saving lives and protecting migrants in vulnerable situations
    • 1.2 Combating migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons
  • Part II: Facilitating Regular Migration
    • 2.1 Legal identity: enabling regular migration and access to rights
    • 2.2 Enhancing predictability and addressing inequalities for the future of human mobility in the pandemic era
    • 2.3 Migration, environment and climate change: from adaptation to regular pathways
  • Part III: Advancing Migrants' Socioeconomic Inclusion and Empowerment
    • 3.1 Migrant inclusion in COVID-19 recovery and social protection– a renewed social contract
    • 3.2. Rethinking skilled migration to address persistent labour shortages
  • Looking Forward
  • Annex
    • List of innovative approaches in this report