Original Language
Number of Pages
128 pages
Reference Number
Year of Publication

International Comparative Study of Migration Legislation and Practice

This study provides the Irish Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform with an overview and analysis of international experience in the field of immigration legislation and practice. Its purpose is to support the Department's efforts in developing comprehensive immigration legislation and procedures by drawing lessons from the experience of other countries. It focuses primarily on the immigration of non-EEA country nationals, and covers asylum and refugee issues only to the extent that they impact on regular migration systems.

  • Executive Summary
  • Study Objectives
  • The Irish Context
  • Other Countries and Systems
  • Visas and other Pre-Entry Clearance Systems
  • Entry Controls
  • Enforcement Issues
  • Residence Permits
  • Labour Immigration Systems
  • Immigration for Study and Research
  • Administrative Structures 
  • Integration
  • Review
  • Nationality/Marriage to Irish Citizen