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Internal Migration in Nigeria: A Positive Contribution to Human Development

Internal migration is a fundamental feature of ACP societies.  Based on the review of available literature, existing research and interviews with key stakeholders, this study highlights the positive contribution of internal migration for development in Nigeria. The recommendations call for an increased attention to the positive potential of this phenomenon and for the development of adequate policies and programmes.

The complex realities of ACP countries also call into question the separation between internal and international migration. Through the analysis of local realities in Nigeria, this study proposes new concepts that may engage the debate on the specificities of South-South migration.

  • List of acronyms and abbreviations
  • List of tables and figures
  • Executive summary
  • Résumé analytique
  • Resumo executivo
  • 1 Introduction and background
    • 1.1 Introduction
    • 1.2 Background
    • 1.3 Research methodology
    • 1.4 Hypothesis
    • 1.5 Conclusion
  • 2. Literature review
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 Pre-colonial migration trajectories
    • 2.3 Colonial migration trajectories
    • 2.4 Post-colonial migration trajectories
    • 2.5 Contemporary migration trajectories
    • 2.6 Migration and human development in Nigeria
    • 2.7 The 2010 Internal migration survey
    • 2.8 Conclusion
  • 3. Data presentation, analysis, findings and results
    • 3.1 Introduction
    • 3.2 Data presentation, analysis and discussions
    • 3.3 Conclusion
  • 4. Conclusion and policy recommendations
    • 4.1 Conclusion
    • 4.2 Policy recommendations
    • 4.3 Final considerations
  • 5. Bibliographical references
  • 6. Annexes/Appendices