Human Trafficking: Manual for Lecturers and Students (Armenian)
The manual is intended for students and lecturers of higher educational institutions. It can be instructive for sociologists, educators, journalists, psychologists and other professionals who deal with human trafficking issues. Its key objective is to provide lecturers and educators with the opportunity to become more aware of human trafficking issues, prevent any potential incidence of human trafficking among their students, and promote the relatively smooth social integration of trafficking victims into regular life.
The manual puts forward some research topics which could be of use for further study, for example theses and scientific papers. The authors encourage a comparative approach and urge the reader to examine the issue of trafficking from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
Published within the framework of IOM’s “Solidifying Awareness on Trafficking in Persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through Education” with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
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- Chapter 1. The nature of human trafficking and the extreme danger it poses to society
- Topic 1. What is human trafficking?
- Topic 2. Causes and factors leading to human trafficking
- Chapter 2. Anti-trafficking actions
- Topic 1. Prevention of human trafficking
- Topic 2. Support and protection of trafficking victims
- Methodological guide
- Jigsaw method
- Case study
- Project method
- Role play
- Lecture method: Advantages and disadvantages
- Debate
- Corners
- Brainstorming
- Gallery tour
- Glossary of main terminology on human trafficking
- Cases of human trafficking and exploitation
- Bibliography
This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.