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Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Armenian)
Human Trafficking: Teacher’s Book (Armenian)
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The manual was prepared with the aim to inform the secondary school teachers and students about human trafficking and exploitation. This third edition was updated by IOM taking into account the changes in the legal and institutional frameworks to combat human trafficking in the Republic of Armenia.
The manual incorporates three parts: theory studies that will enable an effective use of teaching materials on trafficking; eight lessons of the basic course on human trafficking and exploitation; modern strategies and techniques used in education to initiate a constructive and interactive teaching, discussion and assessment of human trafficking issues.
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- Part 1. Theory
- Introduction. Modern-World Human Trafficking and its grave public danger
- Chapter 1. Human Trafficking and Exploitation as a form of Transnational Organized Crime
- A. What is human trafficking and exploitation?
- B. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children
- C. Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
- D. Human trafficking as considered under other regulatory instruments of international law
- Chapter 2. Elements of Trafficking in persons stipulated in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia
- Chapter 3. Causes and Factors leading to Human Trafficking
- A. Economic globalization
- B. Economic and legal differences of States and regions
- C. Human organ and tissue transplantation as a result of scientific progress in medicine
- D. Victim behaviour of potential victims of trafficking
- Chapter 4. Prevention of Human Trafficking and Exploitation
- A. Concept of “prevention of human trafficking”
- B. Preventive measures against trafficking in persons
- C. Youth as risk group for trafficking
- Chapter 5. Support and Protections for victims of Human Trafficking
- A. Directions of support and protection for victims of trafficking
- B. Consequences of trafficking
- C. Guiding principles for support and assistance to victims of trafficking
- Chapter 6. Cooperation in Anti-Trafficking actions
- Chapter 7. Anti-Trafficking actions in Armenia
- Part 2. Didactic Course
- Lesson 1. Definition of human trafficking
- Lesson 2. Triggers and factors of human trafficking
- Lesson 3. Forms of human trafficking
- Lesson 4. Forms of human trafficking (continuation)
- Lesson 5. Youth as a special risk group for human trafficking
- Lesson 6. Concept of victim behaviour
- Lesson 7. Prevention of human trafficking
- Lesson 8. Protection and assistance to victims of trafficking
- Part 3. Methodological Guide
- Jigsaw Method
- Case study
- Project Method
- Bibliography on interactive teaching methods
- Bibliography
- Documentary and feature films related to human trafficking and exploitation