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The Human Rights of Migrants

International migration is at an all-time high. However, government officials, policy makers, NGO advocates, academic researchers and international agencies have only recently begun to consider the human rights dimension of migration. Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed over 50 years ago, human rights are universal, indivisible, and inalienable; in other words, "human rights for all". However, their de facto extension to many vulnerable groups, such as migrants, has been a long and difficult process, by no means complete.

This collection of articles - also published as a special issue of IOM's International Migration journal - has been compiled to promote further debate and research on the issues of migration and human rights. This book includes a discussion of the challenges in the next decade for the recognition and extension of the human rights of migrants; a summary applicable international human rights instruments; a review of her work by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants; an analysis of the special human rights situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs); and an examination of the human rights abuses in South Africa, the host country of the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in September 2001. The book concludes with an annotated bibliography on migrants' human rights.

  • Introduction
  • Human Rights of Migrants: Challenges of the New Decade - Patrick A. Taran
  • Protection of Migrants' Human Rights: Principles and Practices - Heikki S. Mattila
  • The Role of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants - Gabriela Rodriguez
  • Principles of Protection for Internally Displaced Persons - Erin D. Mooney
  • The Dark Side of Democracy: Migration, Xenophobia and Human Rights in South Africa - Jonathan Crush
  • Bibliography