Health of Migrants - The way forward: Report of a global consultation
The 2010 Global Consultation on Migrant Health was convened as a result of the 2008 World Health Assembly Resolution on the Health of Migrants, which asks Member States to take action on migrant-sensitive health policies and practices. Accordingly, WHO and IOM, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Policy of Spain, held a Global Consultation on Migrant Health in March 2010 in Madrid to: take stock of actions taken since the endorsement of the Resolution; reach consensus on priority areas and strategies; and identify the elements of an operational framework to assist Member States and stakeholders in making further progress on the issue. This consultation report offers a summary of the issues discussed at the consultation and presents an outline for an operational framework to guide action by key stakeholders. The report also includes the thematic papers that informed the consultation discussion, background materials concerning selected migration-related terminology, the text of key speeches and other relevant documents.
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- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms and abbreviations
- Foreword
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Part 1 Proceedings of the Consultation
- Opening the consultation
- Setting the scene
- Monitoring migrant health
- Policy and legal frameworks affecting migrants’ health
- Migrant sensitive health systems
- Networks, partnerships, and multi country frameworks
- Closing the consultation
- Part 2 Outline for an operational framework
- Part 3 The way forward
- Part 4 Thematic papers
- Monitoring migrants’ health
- Policy and legal frameworks affecting migrants’ health
- Migrant sensitive health systems
- Networks, partnerships and multi country frameworks on migrant health
- Part 5 Background materials
- Glossary on selected migration terms
- Usage of migration related terminology
- Keynote addresses
- Annexes
- Consultation agenda
- Participants
- Resolution WHA 61.17 on the Health of Migrants
- Health of Migrants Report by the Secretariat. Sixty-first World Health Assembly (WHA 61/12)
- List of figures
- Figure 1. WHA resolution on migrant health, selected actions points
- Figure 2. Public health approach to migrant health
- Figure 3. Top ten countries with the highest share of migrants in the total population (countries with 1 million or more residents)
- Figure 4. Tuberculosis in the United Kingdom 2008
- Figure 5. Influence of migration on cancer rates in the United States 1973-1986