Original Language
ISBN 978-3-319-08317-9
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Global Migration Issues, Vol. 4 - Global and Asian Perspectives on International Migration

This volume examines key aspects of the migration process that are particularly relevant in the Asian context. It looks into established concepts and theoretical propositions that have found application in other areas, particularly in the West and explores their validity and relevance in understanding the realities of migration in Asia.

Global and Asian Perspectives on International Migration features the perspectives of scholars from Asia and other parts of the world, as well as diverse backgrounds. It presents a variety of forms, directions, policies and institutions, including circular and temporary migration; the management of cultural diversity; the gender perspective on migration in North America, Europe and Asia; returning migrants; migration governance in the ASEAN economic community; and the determinants of migration. In conclusion, the book explores migration transition in Asia and revisits select theories in light of recent evidence.

Presenting an analysis of migration in Asia by renowned authors from various regions and disciplines, this book will serve as a valuable resource to policymakers in research and academia, civil society, international organizations and the private sector.

Should you be interested in preparing titles for this series, please contact the overall series editor Mr. Frank Laczko (flaczko@iom.int).

  • Migration in Asia: In Search of a Theoretical Framework by Graziano Battistella
  • Circular Migration: Triple Win, or a New Label for Temporary Migration? by Stephen Castles and Derya Ozkul
  • Circular Migration in Asia: Approaches and Practices by Piyasiri Wickramasekara
  • European Immigrant Integration After Multiculturalism by Christian Joppke
  • From a Migrant Integration of Distinction to a Multiculturalism of Inclusion by In-Jin Yoon
  • Reviewing Theories of Gender and Migration: Perspectives from Europe and North America by Eleonore Kofman
  • Engendering International Migration: Perspectives from within Asia by Brenda S. A. Yeoh
  • A Case for Return Preparedness by Jean-Pierre Cassarino
  • The Return of Return: Migration, Asia and Theory by Biao Xiang
  • Regional Economic Integration and Migration: Lessons from the Case of Europe by Rinus Penninx
  • Migration Governance in the ASEAN Economic Community by Fernando T. Aldaba
  • The Determinants of Migration: In Search of Turning Points by Philip L. Martin
  • Migration Transition in Asia: Revisiting Theories in the Light of Recent Evidence by Manolo I. Abella and Geoffrey Ducanes


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