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Gender and Migration Data: A guide for evidence-based, gender-responsive migration governance

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The purpose of this note is to provide concrete guidance to policymakers, national statistical offices (NSOs) and practitioners on why it is important to promote gender-responsiveness when collecting, producing, using, analysing and disseminating migration data for policy – and how. Gender and diversity analysis is one tool that policymakers, NSOs and practitioners can use to identify needs and address policy shortcomings as part of a gender analysis framework. 

This guidance note aims to address the migration data gaps in a manner relevant to all stakeholders, and promotes a whole-of-society approach. It is also meant to help operationalize IOM’s Migration Data Strategy and includes recommendations on enhancing gender indicators and gender-based methods in data production, protection, dissemination and use. The note provides succinct information on the extent to which gender is captured through macrolevel global data sets, along with a discussion of key issues relevant to gender and migration data.

The Guide is organized into three main sections: Section 1 presents the background on the rationale and the main goals of the Guide. Section 2 provides an overview of the international context and the state of the art in gender and migration data, and Section 3 offers guidelines for action at the national (and local) level to strengthen migration data work from a gender perspective.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of acronyms
  • Introduction
  • Section 1. Background
    • Why does sex and gender disaggregation matter?
    • The importance of addressing key data gaps in gender and migration
  • Section 2. The international context: Increasing focus on international migration data and gender
    • International commitments
    • Data strategies within the United Nations and IOM
    • Gender and migration data sources at the global level
  • Section 3. Steps towards gender-responsive migration data 
    • Step 1. Rethink categorization and formulate gender-responsive policy to guide migration data collection and use
    • Step 2. Integrate ethical considerations into migration data collection and security
    • Step 3. Build capacities and invest in data infrastructure
    • Step 4. Collect and use sex- and, whenever possible, gender-disaggregated migration data
    • Step 5. Adopt a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approach in data collection, analysis, and evaluation, and use gender-responsive data to inform migration policy and practice
  • Section 4. Conclusion
  • Annexes
    • Annex 1. Glossary
    • Annex 2. Gender analysis of global population data
    • Annex 3. Key actions for the gender-responsive implementation of the Global Compact for Migration Objective 1
    • Tools and resources
      • Global migration data sources
      • Resources on gender and migration data and statistics
      • Migration data sources
  • Bibliography