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Employment of people with disabilities in Armenia: Needs and barriers (Armenian)

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The study was conducted within the framework of IOM’s " Socioeconomic Reintegration Programme for Mine Victims in South Caucasus" Project funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation through ITF and Save the Children’s  “Livelihood Improvement through Fostered Employment (LIFE) for People with Disabilities Program”. 

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Acronyms
  • I. Introduction
    • Background
    • The Goal and Objectives of the Study
    • Methodology
  • II. Findings & discussion
    • Surveyed Companies & EC: PWD Problems at a Glance
    • Barriers to PWD Employment
    • PWD Employment Needs
    • PWD Entrepreneurship
  • III. Conclusions
  • IV. Recommendations

This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.