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Deeper international cooperation on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control measures in the field of migration administration, with reference to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

In this paper, Guofu Liu highlights the central role of international cooperation in the field of migration to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. After presenting the main challenges raised by the pandemic for international cooperation on migration, the paper explores good practices in this area. It concludes with proposals for deeper international cooperation on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, with a particular focus on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

This paper is part of a series of short “think pieces” by IOM’s Migration Research High Level Advisers on the potential changes, impacts and implications for migration and mobility arising from COVID-19. Designed to spark thinking on policy and programmatic responses to COVID-19 as the impacts continue to emerge globally, the papers draw upon existing and new evidence and offer initial exploratory analysis and recommendations.