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Data Bulletin: Informing a Global Compact for Migration - Quantifying displacement and mobility Issue No. 6 | June 2018

“Quantifying displacement and mobility” is the sixth issue of the series, Data Bulletin: Informing a Global Compact for Migration. It provides an overview of IOM’s displacement data collection work through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM).

DTM is a system for tracking and monitoring displacement and population mobility, and provides critical information to decision makers and responders during crises, thereby contributing to a better understanding of population flows and needs. Timely data and analysis are key for humanitarian actors to deliver prompt and targeted assistance.

DTM was first conceptualized in 2004 to monitor internal displacement in Iraq, and has since been adapted for implementation in over 70 countries. In 2017 alone, DTM tracked over 30 million individuals, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and migrants in a broad range of contexts, including conflict, natural disasters, complex emergencies and protracted crises.

Working with partners in the private sector, such as the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), SAS Analytics and Deloitte, and with universities and experts from academia, including the Brookings Institution, the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and Georgetown University, DTM is continuously exploring and developing innovative practices to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its data and analytics systems and tools, as well as to collect and share more accurate and timely information.

For more information please contact:

Global DTM Support

Denis Kierans

Marzia Rango