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Data Bulletin: Informing the Global Compact for Migration - Migrants' access to basic services | Issue 15 | December 2018

Access to basic services is instrumental to ensure migrants can maximize the benefits from migration, are able to support families in origin countries and can contribute to host countries as healthy and productive workers.  However, the extent to which migrants are able to access such services is largely unknown. This Data Bulletin suggests that the collection of data disaggregated by basic characteristics, including migratory status, and monitoring of trends over time are crucial to understanding the vulnerabilities and needs of migrants and inform policies to address these.

IOM’s “Data Bulletin Series: Informing the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration” spans a broad range of topics covered by the Global Compact for Migration, highlighting currently available data sources as well as data gaps and challenges relevant to each of them. Each Data Bulletin contains illustrative examples of initiatives and recommendations of investments needed to strengthen the evidence base underpinning the respective thematic area. The Data Bulletins are meant to provide a useful resource for decision makers as they begin to think about implementation of the Global Compact for Migration and the related data needs.