Original Language
ISSN 2523-5060
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Data Bulletin: Informing a Global Compact for Migration - Improving Data for safe, orderly and regular migration Issue 4 | January 2018

“Improving data for safe, orderly and regular migration” is the fourth issue of the series Data Bulletin: Informing a Global Compact for Migration. The Bulletin summarizes the main sources of migration statistics and explains some of the data demands countries are facing for monitoring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Critically, it provides clear recommendations for improving migration data to meet reporting and policy demands. A global programme for building national capacities to collect, disseminate and analyse migration-related data is also outlined. 

Co-authored by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, this Data Bulletin was prepared in response to a request from the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General for International Migration.
About the series:

Data Bulletin: Informing a Global Compact for Migration, launched by IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, aims to summarize in an accurate and accessible fashion the existing evidence on migration to support the discussions and any follow-up activities of a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.  

As part of the project “Support to IOM for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration,” funded by the European Union, data bulletins outline the strengths and limitations of relevant migration data, and highlight innovative data practices that are pertinent to a global compact for migration. Data bulletins reflect the collaborative nature of a global compact for migration process by including relevant contributions from different parts of IOM, as well as other agencies and migration experts.

The Data Bulletin: Informing a Global Compact for Migration will continue to focus on providing policymakers with the information and analysis required for evidence-based decision-making. Future issues will be published and distributed, notably at key events related to a global compact for migration process, throughout 2018.