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Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers Facilitator's Guide (Armenian)

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For health-care providers, trafficking in persons is best understood as a serious health risk because as with other forms of violence, it is associated with physical and psychological harm. Health providers may come into contact with victims of trafficking at different stages of the trafficking process and at different stages of their recovery. The informed and attentive health-care provider can play an important role in assisting and treating individuals who may have suffered repeated abuse. For health practitioners, diagnosing and treating trafficked persons can pose a range of new challenges related to care provision. In 2012, the International Organization for Migration and the Gender Violence & Health Centre of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) developed a training package based on the handbook Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers. Published in 2009, the handbook combines research, field experience and good practice into a tool for those who provide health services to trafficked persons, whether identified victims or populations which may include unidentified victims or other exploited persons. The Caring for Trafficked Persons Facilitator’s Guide and accompanying materials have been developed for individuals who wish to carry out training to help a concerned health provider understand the phenomenon of human trafficking, recognize some of the associated health problems and consider safe and appropriate approaches to providing health care for trafficked persons. The training is designed for all types and levels of health providers, particularly those actively providing services.

The Armenian version of the Facilitator’s Guide was prepared within the framework of IOM’s Project “Solidifying Awareness on Trafficking in Persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia through Education” (funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)).

  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Part 1: Preparing for the Training
  • Prepare Your Training Plan
  • Know the Local Context
  • Prepare Your Materials
  • Part 2: Core Training
  • Core Training Overview
  • Session Guide 1: What is Trafficking in Persons?
  • Session 1 Handouts
  • Session Guide 2: Health Consequences
  • Session 2 Handouts
  • Session Guide 3: Trauma-informed Care
  • Session Guide 4: Role of the Health Care Provider
  • Session 4 Handouts
  • Session Guide 5: Guiding Principles
  • Session 5 Handouts
  • Session Guide 6: Local Context and Next Steps (optional)
  • Session 6 Handouts
  • Conclusion
  • Annexes
  • Annex 1: General Training Preparations
  • Annex 2: Additional Suggested Topics

This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.