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Capacity-building Manual: Establishment and Implementation of a Migrant Welfare Programme by African Countries

This Manual  has been developed to support and guide the establishment and implementation of a Migrant Welfare Programme by African countries through the design and implementation of dedicated tools. The manual comes with an associated Compendium of Practices and a Facilitator's Guide on country-of-origin Migrant Welfare Programmes, which will contribute to building national level capacity of key stakeholders involved in the protection of migrant workers abroad. The Manual contains the relevant Capacity Building Modules, which can be read with the associated Compendium of Practices. It systematically deals with the following key areas relevant to the development and implementation of a Migrant Welfare Programme (MWP): 

  • Introduction (conceptual framework and labour migration from African countries: trends and characteristics) (Module A)
  • Access to social protection (SP) and welfare support: Legal and factual considerations (Module B)
  • Guiding principles (Module C)
  • Establishment of a Migrant Welfare Programme (Module D)
  • Insurance-based arrangements (Module E)
  • Support services (Module F)
  • Implementation (Module G)
  • Acronyms and abbreviations 
  • Glossary: Working Definitions, Terminologies and Key Concepts 
  • Background to modules 
  • MODULE A. Introduction: Conceptual framework and labour migration trends and characteristics
    • I.1. Aims of Module A
    • I.2. Learning Outcomes for Module A
    • I.3. Overview of Module A
    • I.4. Conceptual framework
    • I.4.1. Social protection, social security and national social protection floors
    • I.4.2. Migrant welfare programme, labour migration and migrant worker
    • I.5. Labour migration from African countries: trends and characteristics
    • Key resources
  • MODULE B. Access to social protection and welfare support: Legal and factual considerations 
    • II.1. Aims of Module B
    • II.2. Learning Outcomes for Module B
    • II.3. Overview of Module B
    • II.4. Challenges/barriers faced by African migrant workers, including informal economy migrant workers, in accessing social protection and welfare support
    • II.5. Exposure to exploitation and maltreatment
    • II.6. Country‑of‑destination obligations in relation to migrant workers: global and regional normative approaches
    • II.7. Bilateral and multilateral arrangements: value and constraints
    • II.8. Country‑of‑origin unilateral measures: a worldwide experience and growing reality
    • II.9. Evaluation of achievements and shortcomings of CoO unilateral measures
    • II.10. Limited provision for CoO unilateral measures in international and regional instruments
    • Key resources
  • MODULE C. Guiding principles
    • III.1. Aims of Module C
    • III.2. Learning Outcomes for Module C
    • III.3. Overview of Module C
    • III.4. Social protection as a human right
    • III.5. Key policy considerations
    • III.6. Diplomatic and consular support 
    • III.7. Support during all stages of the migration experience for all categories of affected migrants
    • III.8. Gender‑sensitive and gender‑responsive considerations
    • III.9. Institutional coordination and intergovernmental collaboration; social partner and
    • multi‑stakeholder engagement
    • III.10. Building an evidence base and sharing lessons of global practice and experience
    • Key resources
  • MODULE D: Establishment of a migrant welfare programme
    • IV.1. Aims of Module D
    • IV.2. Learning Outcomes for Module D 
    • IV.3. Overview of Module D
    • IV.4. Description, objectives and operational framework of a Migrant Welfare Programme (MWP)
    • IV.5. Evaluation of MWPs/MWFs: Achievements and challenges 
    • IV.6. Need for establishing a MWP
    • IV.7. Design of a MWP and services/benefits to be provided
    • IV.8. Sources of funding, contributions and beneficiaries: specification 
    • IV.9. Governance, including financial governance
    • Key resources
  • MODULE E: Insurance‑based arrangements
    • V.1. Aims of Module E
    • V.2. Learning Outcomes for Module E
    • V.3. Overview of Module E
    • V.4. A dedicated framework required
    • V.5. Range and adequacy of social protection benefits available in country of destination to be considered
    • V.6. Social protection risks to be provided for via insurance‑based arrangements
    • V.7. Modalities for extending country‑of‑origin insurance‑based arrangements and ongoing social security protection
    • V.8. Compulsory coverage may strengthen social protection for migrant workers abroad, considering dual coverage challenges
    • V.9. Gender‑sensitive and gender‑responsive interventions
    • V.10. Protection for families of migrant workers abroad, and families staying behind in the country of origin
    • V.11. Social protection arrangements for informal economy migrant workers
    • Key resources
  • MODULE F: Support services
    • VI.1. Aims of Module F
    • VI.2. Learning Outcomes for Module F
    • VI.3. Overview of Module F
    • VI.4. Range of services provided by Migrant Welfare Programmes, including people‑centred and gender‑responsive support services
    • VI.5. Access to health care, including sexual and reproductive health care
    • VI.6. Access to legal services
    • VI.7. Social protection in the light of pandemics
    • VI.8. Repatriation of migrant workers
    • VI.9. Migrant worker orientation
    • VI.10. Return and reintegration of migrant workers
    • Key resources
  • MODULE G: Implementation
    • VII.1. Aims of Module G
    • VII.2. Learning Outcomes for Module G
    • VII.3. Overview of Module G
    • VII.4. Regulations, institutions and operations
    • VII.5. Road map for establishment of a Migrant Welfare Programme
    • VII.6. Strengthening the regulatory environment
    • VII.7. Supportive arrangements
    • VII.8. How to utilize the Template for the Design, Establishment and Implementation of a Migrant Welfare Programme
    • Key resources