Assessment Report: Mainstreaming Migration into Education and Rural Development in Nepal 2019
Migration has become a key aspect of the development discourse in Nepal. Nepal is a major country of origin for labour migration, with more than half of all Nepali households having at least one family member engaged in international or internal migration or living in Nepal as a returned migrant. The large-scale outflow of Nepalis and the concurrent inflow of remittances opened up the Government, the development stakeholders and the international community to consider opportunities that would allow the harnessing of the potential of migration for the overall development of the country.
This assessment of the extent of migration mainstreaming into the education and rural development sectors in Nepal was undertaken in the framework of the IOM Mainstreaming Migration into International Cooperation and Development (MMICD) Project, funded by the European Union. The assessment comprises: (a) an analysis of Nepal’s migration, education, and rural development dynamics and governance arrangements; (b) an analysis of the extent to which the issue of migration and displacement is considered in education and rural development policies and programmes; and (c) a set of conclusions and recommendations for successfully mainstreaming migration and displacement into the education and rural development sectors of Nepal.
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- Overview
- Migration situation analysis
- Recommendations
- 1.1 Objective of the assessment
- 1.2 Methodology
- 2.1 International migration
- 2.2 Diaspora remittances and investment
- 2.3 Return migration
- 2.4 Internal migration: rural–rural and rural–urban migration
- 2.5 Forced displacement and trafficking in persons
- 2.6 Immigration
- 3.1 Migration governance
- 3.2 Migration and sustainable development
- 3.2.1 Policies
- 3.2.2 Initiatives
- 3.3 Migration and education
- 3.3.1 Labour migration
- 3.3.2 Immigration
- 3.3.3 Diaspora engagement
- 3.3.4 Forced displacement
- 3.4 Migration and rural development
- 3.4.1 Land and rural settlement
- 3.4.2 Urban development
- 3.4.3 Diaspora engagement
- 4.1 Conclusion 1: On the coordination between migration, development and sectoral policies
- 4.2 Conclusion 2: On mainstreaming migration into development planning
- 4.3 Conclusion 3: On addressing labour emigration and education
- 4.4 Conclusion 4: On rural development policies and internal migration and displacement
- Annex 1: Key legislative and policy documents
- Annex 2: Stakeholder map
- Annex 3: Interview guide
- Annex 4: Stakeholders consulted
- Annex 5: Workshop terms of reference
- Annex 6: Migration for development: Integrating labour migration in the sectoral policy (second high-level consultation)
- Annex 7: Migration-related international instruments ratified by Nepal
- Annex 8: Migration data sources for Nepal